The 7 Things Other PR Firms Don’t Want You To Know
Featured, Franchise Development, Public Relations October 14, 2016
There are a number of myths and false perceptions surrounding the practice of public relations today and many PR agencies[...]
9 Ways to Supercharge Your Press Release
Earned Media, Franchise Marketing, Public Relations September 20, 2016
Today’s press release needs to keep up with the times. It should be “sociable” and connected, just like the people[...]
Iconic Brands With the Upper Hand: What You Can Learn From Them?
Earned Media, Franchise Marketing, Owned Media August 29, 2016
Sports, beer, camping, sports, action movies, beer, rock and roll, sports, rap music, beer, sports … you get the picture.[...]
The PR Mistake Franchisors Often Make
Earned Media, Franchise Marketing, Public Relations July 19, 2016
Does your franchise business development team leverage PR and social media to increase margins and improve close rates? Does your[...]
Why Does Buzz Help Business?
Franchise Marketing June 14, 2016
Marketing consultants are bombarded by daily considerations of What for our clients. What’s the right message? What’s the right channel? What angle do we take so the right[...]
Newsjacking: A New PR Approach Or Just A Gimmick?
Franchise Marketing, Public Relations May 12, 2016
It goes without saying that getting media coverage for a client is a pretty sizable part of the job if[...]
CEO of 919 Interviewed by American City Business Journals
Earned Media, News and Awards May 12, 2016
Chief Executive Officer of 919 Marketing Company, David Chapman, recently interviewed with Frank Vinluan of American City Business Journals to[...]
Is Your Story Newsworthy?
Franchise Marketing, Public Relations April 28, 2016
There’s no denying that the media industry has changed in the last decade. The entire industry has been turned on[...]
16 Ways to Handle Negative Reviews and Comments
Franchise Marketing, Owned Media, Public Relations, Shared Media March 3, 2016
Every business is at risk of getting negative online reviews or negative comments to a blog post. Naturally, dealing with[...]
Why Your PR Isn’t Working
Franchise Marketing, Public Relations February 5, 2016
“Target your pitches and press releases to the right reporters at the right media outlets.” Any PR professional has surely[...]