What Is Franchise Content Marketing?
Featured, Franchise Marketing, Owned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media October 14, 2019
Content marketing is integral to the communications quiver. White papers, one-sheets, videos, testimonials, and blog posts enable B2Cs and B2Bs[...]
Why Franchisors Whiff on Using SEO to Drive Leads
Featured, Franchise Development, Owned Media, Paid Media, SEO, Shared Media June 12, 2019
Why most franchise brands whiff at using organic search to drive online leads. The good news – there are only[...]
Why Your Franchisor Hates You
Franchise Development, Owned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media June 12, 2019
Written by David Chapman CEO 2 minutes 15 seconds read time As the founder of an agency that interacts with[...]
Do Your Franchisees Hate You?
Featured, Franchise Marketing, Owned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media June 12, 2019
We interact daily with a deep roster of franchise-based brands with over 20,000 cumulative franchisees in the U.S. and worldwide.[...]
Tips for Writing Killer Email Subject Lines
Franchise Marketing, Owned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media May 12, 2019
Before I got into PR (some would say crossed over to the dark side) I was a television reporter. I[...]
What’s Your Franchise Marketing Roadmap?
Earned Media, Franchise Marketing, News, Owned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media April 17, 2019
To paraphrase a line out of The Matrix – “The answer is out there – it’s asking the right questions that drives[...]
You’re A Rock Star And We Know It
Franchise Marketing, Owned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media March 5, 2018
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same I spent over a decade working with entertainers and musicians.[...]
Dear PR Graduate: It’s Not Your Fault
Earned Media, Owned Media, Public Relations, Shared Media June 6, 2017
America’s institutions of higher learning are letting their public-relations graduates down. And as a result, you recent graduates have little[...]
7 Content Marketing Tips to Supercharge Franchise Development
Earned Media, Franchise Development, Owned Media, Shared Media March 6, 2017
Last Saturday, I attended a CFE lunch meeting on behalf of our company, 919 Marketing – the nation’s most strategic franchise marketing agency. Immediately following lunch, Family[...]
16 Ways to Handle Negative Reviews and Comments
Franchise Marketing, Owned Media, Public Relations, Shared Media March 3, 2016
Every business is at risk of getting negative online reviews or negative comments to a blog post. Naturally, dealing with[...]