Our Team

The 919 Marketing DNA
We earned our stripes working in the newsrooms of major national TV networks, the boardrooms of the largest international advertising and public relations agencies, and within the brand marketing departments of some of the world’s largest brands.
Our award-winning staff of marketing strategists, TV reporters and executive producers, social and digital media experts, videographers, graphic artists, and copywriters create, produce, and distribute great content that tells your most compelling brand stories to prospects and customers.
But at the end of the day, what really sets us apart is our ability to generate and implement breakthrough marketing strategies that differentiate you from the pack.
919 Marketing helped us answer a lot of tough questions as we developed our go-to-market strategy. They have a fresh marketing perspective, a highly calibrated branding methodology, and a powerful network of high-powered creative talent.”
David Chapman
As the Founder and CEO of Raleigh, NC-based 919 Marketing Company, David Chapman has transformed a childhood fascination with cartoons and jingles into a thriving career in the marketing world. His journey began with a simple yet profound love for the magic of marketing, a passion that remains as vibrant today as it was in his youth.
After completing college, David Chapman embarked on an entrepreneurial path, founding and later selling his first marketing firm. This early success laid the groundwork for a diverse and expansive career. He honed his skills in sales at a global publishing company, delved into the client side as an EVP Marketing for a national tech training company, and played a key executive role at Interpublic Group, the world’s largest global ad agency network.
In 1996, Chapman founded 919 Marketing, a culmination of his experiences, contrarian attitude and entrepreneurial spirit. Under his leadership, the company has achieved remarkable milestones: making seven straight appearances in the INC 500, earning a Forbes ranking as the best franchise PR firm in the country, and being recognized as the fastest-growing marketing agency in the highly competitive Raleigh-Durham market.
Known among friends for his love of analogies and metaphors, David’s communication style is as engaging as it is effective. He is an obsessive collector of quotes, believing that the words that amuse or motivate a person can reveal more about them than almost anything else. This belief in the power of words mirrors his belief in the power of marketing: both can connect people and ideas in profound and lasting ways.
His bold approach and unrelenting drive to challenge the status quo have positioned him as one of the most influential leaders in franchise marketing today.
If I could be anyone in a band ever …
That’s easy. Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. No one touches him in my book. Only problem is when he speaks in that high pitched voice of his. I guess you can’t have it all.
Talk about your first pet?
My first pet was an awesome German Shepherd named Dixie. She was my girl!
Your dream car is …
A 1962 red corvette with a white inlay on the sides. My granddad had that car and I remember riding in it like it was yesterday. Watching “Gas Monkey Garage” on TV gives me the itch to get one!
What is your favorite season, and why?
It’s got to be the fall if you live in North Carolina. Perfect weather, leaves are changing, able to enjoy the beach or the mountains, go to football games, etc. It’s magical.
In high school I was …
A hippie athlete. I was a lefty baseball pitcher with hair at least as long as Tim Lincecum of the San Francisco Giants.
What effect does music have on you?
Music has always been a major part of my life. My Mom loves to play the piano, her dad played the piano and sang. Unfortunately I didn’t stick with my guitar lessons (they were teaching “Home on the Range;” I wanted to play Zeppelin) and regret it to this day. Music smooths life’s jagged edges.
Have you ever carved your name or initials into a tree or stone?
Absolutely. There are two trees at Maroon Bells in Colorado that have my initials in them – went there once with my lovely wife and once with my younger son, Sammy.
What trait do you most admire in other people?
Loyalty. What can I say? I’m a Leo through and through.
Favorite quote?
I’ve collected quotes for years – so that’s a hard one. How about three?
“Never try to teach a pig to sing. It will waste your time and annoy the pig.”
“I just put a dollar in one of those change machines. Nothing happened.”
George Carlin.
“Look, PETA! If God hadn’t wanted us to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them so darn tasty!”
Stephen Colbert
Graham Chapman
Name one thing that has always fascinated you.
Extremely talented athletes and musicians have always fascinated me. I love watching the best of the best perform their craft and doing what I can, albeit poorly, to execute as they do when I play sports or drums.
How long have you been able to live off the grid? No e-mail, Internet, electricity, running water, etc.
I am TERRIBLE at this. I always have to be connected – nights, weekends, holidays, etc. It’s required to do my job well for our clients at 919 Marketing. However, I actually did take two weeks off to enjoy an unbelievable wedding and honeymoon experience with my wife in Costa Rica. We spent the first week celebrating our marriage near the pacific coast with a small group of friends and family. Week two was pure serenity – enjoying our honeymoon at a private rainforest resort near the volcano in Arenal. It was wonderful to unplug, but I don’t see it happening again any time soon. Far too many big things to accomplish in the coming years at 919 AND at home. My wife and I are thrilled to be back in NC after five wonderful years in DC. We purchased a new home close to the office and hope to start a family in the coming years. With plenty of work to be done on the new house, and perhaps kids on the way soon, the two-week unplugging record will stand for years!
Who in your life has been the best positive influence on your life?
There are so many great people who have positively impacted my life, but this would have to be my father. He’s my boss, my dad, and my best friend. I owe much of my personal makeup, values, and career to him. Hard to be more influential than that!
What things do you enjoy most in your life?
Family moments – whenever and wherever they happen. They can be as big as a major vacation or once-in-a-lifetime concert with the whole family, or as small as relaxing on the couch for a few moments after a long day with my wife and our dogs. I’m happiest when I can spend quality time with those I love and appreciate most.
Have you ever wanted to trade places with someone else for a day, week, or a lifetime? If so, who was it and why?
I wouldn’t trade my life for anything, but it would be fun to see life through the eyes of a famous athlete or musician for a few days. To narrow it down to one person, I think I’d say Chad Smith, the drummer for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. But only if we can go back to a time when he was younger and playing with John Frusciante, as opposed to Josh Klinghoffer!
What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask?
I am probably the only person you know who can play Cake’s “Italian Leather Sofa” on the kazoo. Yes, it’s true, I am a serious kazoo player. Seriously, I have an electric hook-up so I can play the kazoo through an amp. YES! Wait…is that sad? Ok, fine. I know every Mitch Hedberg joke and mimic his voice far too often. Oh, that’s pathetic, too? Welp – that’s all I’ve got.
Name one thing you always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it?
Travel the world and visit Asia and Australia. I’ll do this one day, but waiting until I’m celebrating a milestone anniversary with my wife!
What is the one thing you cannot live without?
Coaching. I love doing what I can to be a positive influence in the lives of competitive and ambitious kids who want to become better ball players, and more importantly, better people. I owe so much to those who coached me growing up, so it’s an honor for me to be a role model to the next generation!
Sue Yannello
Name one thing that has always fascinated you.
The tenacity of the human spirit. The ability of people to triumph over tragedy, pick themselves up, dust themselves off and go at failure like the enemy. I love our society of survivors.
Growing up, what career goals did you have?
I knew I wanted to be a journalist ever since I was 8 years old and grilled my mom over whether Santa Claus was real. I had a rewarding 20-year career in TV news as an investigative/consumer reporter. Now I feel blessed to tell stories in public relations. I also learned there is a Santa Claus for adults. It’s called second chances.
What musical medium did you grow up with?
I grew up with vinyl records I played very loudly in my upstairs bedroom of our small home in New Jersey. I would repeatedly tune dad out when he’d ask me to lower the volume. I’ll never forget when I was blasting Meatloaf’s “Bat Out of Hell” for the HUNDREDTH TIME and dad yelled TURN THAT DARN MUSIC DOWN. I didn’t. Dad ran up the stairs like a bat out of hell and threw my stereo and my Meatloaf album right out the window. I switched to CDs after that.
How long are you able to live off the grid?
I can’t live off the grid. It’s my lifeline. Plus it’s how I pay my bills and feed my kids. I need to be reachable at all times, so I am.
Best positive influence.
My parents have been the best possible influence. They have a beautiful marriage and total respect and admiration for each other. It taught me what true love is all about.
What do you enjoy the most in life?
I enjoy when our family is all together having fun and laughing. As the boys get older, I realize our time with them is precious, and every moment counts.
Trait you admire most in people.
I admire people who give their time to help others. It’s the most generous thing you can do.
Kristy Woods
Growing up, what did you want to do as a career?
Growing up I wanted to be a marine biologist. I am a long-time scuba diver and love the mystery of what the ocean has to offer. I dreamed of working for National Geographic and capturing underwater beauty for the whole world to see.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you rely on your cell phone?
I vacillate between the extremes. When I am working, it is a 10. When I am home spending time with my family and friends it is a 1.
Name something that fascinates you.
Psychology – I am fascinated by the human experience. How we think, what we feel, why we behave the way we do. I find the human capacity to grow, evolve, and adapt remarkable.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is a tough one! There is so much to explore and experience when it comes to food and I love the richness and depth that variety can offer. However, if I HAD to pick just one it would probably be bread.
On a weekend, where can we find you?
Hanging out with my family. Most weekends my husband and I take our son on a “mini adventure” where we explore local parks, the greenway trails, and the Neuse River. I love my boys and I love to be outside so it is a win-win.
Do you have any pets?
I do! I have a dog named Winnie and a cat named Karen. Winnie was our first fur baby and is a sweet pitty mix. Karen is a barn cat who is fairly friendly with us but is a ferocious warrior with the local vermin.
What is your favorite time of year?
Hands down fall – especially in the mountains. Growing up in New Jersey my family and I would go up to Bear Mountain every year and go apple picking. Watching the leaves change, the smell of the autumn air, the heat of the first nighttime fire. Everything about fall from the weather to the activities, to the beauty is unbeatable.
Travel goals—what are your top destinations?
It is so hard to pick just one! I love to travel and have been very fortunate to have been to some exciting places already in my life. If I get to dream big, I’d say either live aboard in Indonesia for some of the world’s best diving or backpacking through South America or Southeast Asia.

Scott Curkin
What is your lucky number, and why is it so lucky?
Four and 13. Four just always has been a lucky since day one, and Channel 13 was the first place I got my TV break, so that became a favorite of mine, as well.
How long have you been able to live off the grid?
No e-mail, Internet, electricity, running water, etc. I think I could handle no e-mail and no Internet, but NO WAY I could live without electricity or water. I very much like air conditioning and MUST take a shower every day, if not twice a day.
Have you ever wanted to trade places with someone else for a day, week, or a lifetime? If so, who was it and why?
Derek Jeter. I will say I’m in no way a Yankees fan, but I have the utmost respect for Derek Jeter. How he handled himself on and off the field (for the most part) I always admired and I think being him for a day or a week in NYC would be fantastic. Not for a lifetime though, cause I can’t root for the Yankees.
Describe your first car.
1989 White Toyota Camry. Was my grandmothers and was handed down to me. I loved it because the seat belts were automatic, and I thought that was awesome.
What is your favorite movie?
“TOP GUN”. I still get a rush from watching that movie!
Growing up, what career goals or dreams of accomplishments did you have?
I wanted to be a television sportscaster. I love sports, and wanted to be the person to deliver the highlights and scores every night. I had the opportunity to work in a sports department right out of college, and realized the lifestyle of working nights and weekends (when most sporting events take place) was not for me. Still a huge fan, I just enjoy watching the highlights more than delivering them.
What is the one thing you cannot live without?
My grill. I absolutely love to cook, and the grill is my number one go to. Meat, vegetables, you name it, I like to cook it on the grill. It’s never too hot, too cold or raining too much for me to go outside and fire it up.
Ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
Definitely chocolate, which is funny because I wouldn’t consider myself a chocolate person.

Growing up, what did you want to do as a career?
When I was little, I changed my mind a lot about what I wanted to be as I grew up, but it always had something to do with teaching people something. I thrive on helping others learn something new and asking those questions that they may not ask.
Do you have any pets?
I don’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have a pet in my life, they bring so much joy and chaos at the same time. Currently, we have 2 chocolate labs Rocky and Piper and a bearded dragon Bob – who is the most judgmental of them all.
Favorite time of year?
My favorite time of year is fall. I absolutely love the fall colors, crisp air and cool nights when all you need is some good company to hang out with by the firepit.
Describe your first car?
My first car was a 1984 Oldsmobile Frienza of which we nicknamed ‘The Putter”! By the time I got this car it was already discontinued, and my father had to weld the front seat to the floor because every time I drove down a hill the whole front bench would unlock and slide forward – it was always an adventure to get behind the driver’s seat! Though I hated this car all through high school, I am grateful for the stories I now have about it and how much it made me appreciate the cars I have had since.
How long are you able to live off grid?
I don’t even know if this is possible to do anymore! It’s my job to stay connected. I am always watching what new platform or tech is coming out and love testing them when possible. I do try to disconnect when I am with my children because I want to teach them that though the world is full of fun tech and AI – people are still the core of it all.
Name something that fascinates you.
Sociology. I became fascinated by sociology in college and ended up double majoring in Sociology and Marketing. I love the study of human social behavior, patterns and interactions and how that impacts culture and the larger society. I feel it’s important to understand the larger group norms especially if you were going to sell to them.
Kate Schrader
Growing up, what did you want to do as a career?
I wanted to be an Interior Designer! My closest friends and I growing up would love going to walk around homes being built or model homes that were decorated just for fun .. and as crazy as it seems, we use to play the game “Office” where we worked in a Design firm designing homes from drawing floor plans to cutting out pictures in magazines to create design boards.
On a weekend, where can we find you?
With my family, most likely outdoors! My husband and I have three young kids, a boy and two girls who are young and very active most likely because we are very active too. I am an avid runner and if I am not running for fun or running after kids, I am cooking, baking or enjoying a cold beer.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I do – 1 English Bulldog, Gnocchi or as the kids say, Mochi! We adopted her right before she was 1 and she has been the perfect addition to our family. Unassuming trait of Gnocchi, high energy!
Favorite Season and why?
Summer! Although a very hot season, we love being near or around water doing all the outdoor activities! We spend as much time as possible at the beach during the Summertime, it truly is our happy place and home away from home. The added daily sunshine is also a big plus! We thrive in Summer. Fall is a close second 😃
How long are you able to live off grid?
I’d say a 7! On the weekends I rarely have it near me unless I am taking photos while out and about! During the work week I have it attached to the hip.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you rely on your cell phone.
I’d say a 7! On the weekends I rarely have it near me unless I am taking photos while out and about! During the work week I have it attached to the hip.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you rely on your cell phone.
Tough one, as there are a few traits I love in people and those are Respect, Empathy and Positivity!
Favorite Quote(s):
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb, Martha Goedert
“Be the change you wish to see in the World” – Ghandi
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